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I’ve been working on gratia graphs with Ashu Guru for the new GlideinWMS probe. I’ve stumbled upon very odd command line usage of voms-proxy-init.

In order to get a role to work with voms-proxy-init, the command needs to be:

voms-proxy-init -voms hcc:/hcc/Role=collab
This command will give the proxy the role collab in the generic group hcc.

VOMS also has the ability to use ‘groups’ in the vo to distinguish between users. In order to use a group, the syntax is:

voms-proxy-init -voms hcc:/hcc/testgroup/Role=collab
This command will give the proxy the role collab in the group testgroup of the HCC VO.

Not necessarily the most complicated command line I have used, but certainly one of the worst documented.

voms-proxy-init -help
doesn’t help at all.



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