3 minute read

It is very common to deploy docs from a Github repo to a Github Pages site. In the past few days, I have setup several repos that will push to Github Pages using the Travis-CI continuous integration, and I wanted to document how easy it is here.


Since I have written this blog post, a commenter pointed out that Travis-CI has built-in support for deploying to github pages. In fact, the final .travis.yml file could be:

language: python
- pip install mkdocs
- mkdocs build --verbose --clean --strict
 provider: pages
 skip_cleanup: true
 github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in travis-ci.org dashboard
 local_dir: site
   branch: master

There is a trade-off with this method though. Using the built-in travis-ci method utilizes your personal GITHUB_TOKEN, which has access to all of the repositories that you have access to. By using a deploy key, as described below, it is a key specific to the single repository. Therefore, the above method is easier to setup, but could expose your GITHUB_TOKEN which has access all of your repos.

Create Deploy Key

After the repo is created, the first step is to create a deploy key.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -f deploy-key

Do not enter a password during the key generation. We will encrypt the deploy-key with travis next.

Add the deploy-key.pub contents to to your repo’s settings under Settings -> Deploy Keys. Be sure to check the “Allow write access”. The deploy key will be used to authenticate the travis-ci build in order to push the website.

We will next have to encrypt the deploy-key so we can commit it to our repository safely.

Encrypt Deploy-key

First, you will need to install the travis command line tools, which is a Ruby Gem. After installing ruby, you can run the command:

gem install travis

Next, you will need to enable the repo to be build on Travis-CI. Log into Travis-CI and go to “Account”. Within this menu, search for the name of your repo, and click to enable it.

Enable Travis-CI Repo

You will also need to login with the Travis CLI in order to encrypt the deploy-key:

travis login

Inside the repository’s git repo on your own computer, run the command:

travis encrypt-file deploy-key
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_1d262b48bc9b_key -iv $encrypted_1d262b48bc9b_iv -in deploy-key.enc -out deploy-key -d

This will encrypt the deploy-key with the Travis-CI public key, therefore it can only be accessed on the Travis-CI infrastructure. The above line is very important to remember, you will copy / paste it into the .travis.yml.

Configure Travis-CI

For most of my Travis-CI configurations, I copy from my previous configurations. Travis-CI is configured in a specially named file in your repo named .travis.yml. Here is an example configuration that builds MkDocs documentation.

  - GIT_NAME: "'Markdown autodeploy'"
  - GIT_EMAIL: [email protected]
  - GH_REF: [email protected]:opensciencegrid/security.git
language: python
- pip install mkdocs
- pip install MarkdownHighlight
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_1d262b48bc9b_key -iv $encrypted_1d262b48bc9b_iv -in deploy-key.enc -out deploy-key -d
- chmod 600 deploy-key
- eval `ssh-agent -s`
- ssh-add deploy-key
- git config user.name "Automatic Publish"
- git config user.email "[email protected]"
- git remote add gh-token "${GH_REF}";
- git fetch gh-token && git fetch gh-token gh-pages:gh-pages;
- if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ]; then echo "Pushing to github"; PYTHONPATH=src/ mkdocs gh-deploy -v --clean --remote-name gh-token; git push gh-token gh-pages; fi;

You can see that the openssl command that was printed while encrypting is in the script section. Be sure to copy / paste it completely into your .travis.yml file.

This file instructs Travis-CI to:

  1. Install mkdocs
  2. Decrypt the deploy-key
  3. Builds the mkdocs documentation.
  4. Push the docs to the gh-pages branch of the repo.

Commit and be prosperous

Commit the travis.yml, the deploy-key.enc. Be sure not to commit the deploy-key. And everything should be good to go!

The above examples where from the OSG Security docs repo.

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