less than 1 minute read

This week, I presented the Bosco poster at the Great Plains Network annual meeting.  It received a very good reception.  Many people where interested in what Bosco could do for them.  Most of the audience was HPC center admins or directors, therefore they where looking at how they can use Bosco to help their users utilize their campus clusters.

At the poser presentation
At the conference we heard a lot about networks, as GPN is mostly a network collaboration.  But we also heard about the Condo of Condos proposal which the OSG is well represented (by Miron).  There is a very good webcast of the description of Condo of Condos on the I2 Website.  It feels like it's very early in the planning phase, but I am curious how the OSG will integrate with the Condos.

The weather has been terrible, but the meeting has been great.

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