- Weitzel, Derek. “Enabling Distributed Scientific Computing on the Campus.” Diss. U of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2015. Online
- Sarat Sasank Barla, Venkat Sai Suman Lamba Karanam, Byrav Ramamurthy, and Derek Weitzel. 2024. “Predicting Future Accesses in XRootD Caching Systems Using ML-Based Network Pattern Analysis.” In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 1–6.
- Fabio Andrijauskas, Derek Weitzel, and Frank Wuerthwein. 2024. “Open Science Data Federation - Operation and Monitoring.” In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing, 1–5. PEARC ’24. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Borja Garrido, Julia Andreeva, Derek Weitzel, Alessandra Forti, and Shawn McKee. 2024. “New XrootD Monitoring Implementation.” EPJ Web of Conferences 295:01040.
- David Schultz, Igor Sfiligoi, Benedikt Riedel, Fabio Andrijauskas, Derek Weitzel, and Frank Würthwein. 2024. “IceCube Experience Using XRootD-Based Origins with GPU Workflows in PNRP.” EPJ Web of Conferences 295:11011.
- Brian Bockelman, Peter Elmer, Gordon Watts, Kyle Cranmer, Matthew Feickert, Rob Gardner, Heather Gray, et al. 2023. “IRIS-HEP Strategic Plan for the Next Phase of Software Upgrades for HL-LHC Physics.”
- Ziyue Deng, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Chin Guok, Damian Hazen, Inder Monga, Fabio Andrijauskas, Frank Würthwein, and Derek Weitzel. 2023. “Analyzing Transatlantic Network Traffic over Scientific Data Caches.” In Proceedings of the 2023 on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics, 19–22. SNTA ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Dinuka De Silva, Derek Weitzel, Joseph Yesselman, Marcus Christie, Robert Quick, Eroma Abeysinghe, and Marlon Pierce. 2022. “Building the RNAMake Gateway on PATh: A Student-Led Design Project.” In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2022: Revolutionary: Computing, Connections, You, 1–2. PEARC ’22. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Brian Aydemir, Jim Basney, Brian Bockelman, Jeff Gaynor, and Derek Weitzel. 2022. “SciAuth: A Lightweight End-to-End Capability-Based Authorization Environment for Scientific Computing.” In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2022: Revolutionary: Computing, Connections, You, 1–5. PEARC ’22. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Derek Weitzel, Shawn McKee, Brian Paul Bockelman, John Thiltges, Marian Babik, and Ilija Vukotic. 2021. “The Service Analysis and Network Diagnosis Data Pipeline.” In 2021 IEEE Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS), 1–11.
- Zhe Zhang, Brian Bockelman, Derek Weitzel, and David Swanson. 2020. “Exploring Erasure Coding Techniques for High Availability of Intermediate Data.” In 2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID), 865–72.
- Zhe Zhang, Brian Bockelman, Derek Weitzel, Xinkai Zhang, Hamid Vakilzadian, and David Swanson. 2020. “Trua: Efficient Task Replication for Flexible User-Defined Availability in Scientific Grids.” In 2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID), 360–69.
- Jeffrey Dost, Marco Mascheroni, Brian Bockelman, Lincoln Bryant, Timothy Cartwright, Edgar Fajardo, Robert Gardner, et al. 2020. “A Lightweight Door into Non-Grid Sites.” EPJ Web of Conferences 245:07005.
- Edgar Fajardo, Derek Weitzel, Mats Rynge, Marian Zvada, John Hicks, Mat Selmeci, Brian Lin, et al. 2020. “Creating a Content Delivery Network for General Science on the Internet Backbone Using XCaches.” EPJ Web of Conferences 245:04041.
- Marian Babik, Shawn McKee, Pedro Andrade, Brian Paul Bockelman, Robert Gardner, Edgar Mauricio Fajardo Hernandez, Edoardo Martelli, Ilija Vukotic, Derek Weitzel, and Marian Zvada. 2020. “WLCG Networks: Update on Monitoring and Analytics.” In EPJ Web of Conferences, 245:07053. EDP Sciences.
- Alex Withers, Brian Bockelman, Derek Weitzel, Duncan Brown, Jason Patton, Jeff Gaynor, Jim Basney, Todd Tannenbaum, You Alex Gao, Zach Miller, “SciTokens: Demonstrating Capability-Based Access to Remote Scientific Data using HTCondor” Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC ‘19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 58, 8 pages. DOI: online (arxiv)
- Derek Weitzel, Marian Zvada, Ilija Vukotic, Rob Gardner, Brian Bockelman, Mats Rynge, Edgar Fajardo Hernandez, Brian Lin, and Mátyás Selmeci. 2019. StashCache: A Distributed Caching Federation for the Open Science Grid. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC ‘19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 58, 7 pages. DOI: online (arxiv)
- Bockelman, B., Hanushekvsky, A., Keeble, O., Lassnig, M., Millar, P.,Weitzel, D., and Yang, W. Bootstrapping a new lhc data transfer ecosystem. CHEP18 In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Accepted), IOP Publishing
- Babik, M., McKee, S., Bockelman, B., Fajardo, Edgar Martelli, E., Vukotic,I., Weitzel, D., and Zvada, M.Improving wlcg networks through monitoring and analytics. CHEP18 In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Accepted), IOP Publishing
- Fajardo, E., Rynge, M., Weitzel, D., Merino, G., Shultz, D., Brik, V.,and Skarlupka, H. Osg and gpus: A tale of two use cases. CHEP18 In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Accepted), IOP Publishing
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Basney, J., Tannenbaum, T., Miller, Z., and Gaynor, J. Capability-based authorization for hep. CHEP18 In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Accepted), IOP Publishing
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Retzke, K., and Bhat, S. Gracc: Grid accounting collector. CHEP18 In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Accepted), IOP Publishing
- Withers, A., Bockelman, B., Weitzel, D., Brown, D., Gaynor, J., Basney, J., Tannenbaum, T. and Miller, Z. 2018. SciTokens: Capability-Based Secure Access to Remote Scientific Data. In Proceedings of the PEARC ‘18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2018, doi:< 10.1145/3219104.3219135
- Zhang, Z., Bockelman, B., Weitzel, D. and Swanson, D. 2018. Discovering Job Preemptions in the Open Science Grid. In Proceedings of the PEARC ‘18 Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2018, doi:< 10.1145/3219104.3229282
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Brown, D.A., Couvares, P., Würthwein, F. and Hernandez, E.F., 2017. Data Access for LIGO on the OSG. In Proceedings of the PEARC ‘17 Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, New Orleans, TX, USA, July 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3093338.3093363
- Weitzel, D., & Bockelman, B. (2017, October). Contributing opportunistic resources to the grid with HTCondor-CE-Bosco. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 898, No. 9, p. 092026). IOP Publishing. Online
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Dykstra, D., Blomer, J., & Meusel, R. (2017, October). Accessing Data Federations with CVMFS. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 898, No. 6, p. 062044). IOP Publishing. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/898/6/062044 Online
- Retzke, K., Weitzel, D., Bhat, S., Levshina, T., Bockelman, B., Jayatilaka, B., … & Wuerthwein, F. (2017, October). GRACC: New generation of the OSG accounting. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 898, No. 9, p. 092044). IOP Publishing. Online
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Brown, D. A., Couvares, P., Würthwein, F., & Hernandez, E. F. (2017, July). Data Access for LIGO on the OSG. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017 on Sustainability, Success and Impact (p. 24). ACM. Online
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B. & Swanson, D. Distributed Caching Using the HTCondor CacheD. In Proceedings for Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2015. Online
- Weitzel, D., Frey, J., Mambelli, M., Fraser, D., Ahronovitz, M., & Swanson, D. BoscoR: Extending R from the desktop to the Grid. MTAGS’ 14. Online
- Weitzel, D., Sfiligoi, I., Bockelman, B., Frey, J., Wuerthwein, F., Fraser, D., & Swanson, D. (2014, June). Accessing opportunistic resources with Bosco. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 513, No. 3, p. 032105). IOP Publishing. Online
- Levshina, T., Sehgal, C., Bockelman, B., Weitzel, D., & Guru, A. (2014, June). Grid accounting service: state and future development. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 513, No. 3, p. 032056). IOP Publishing. Online
- He, C., Weitzel, D., Swanson, D., & Lu, Y. (2012, November). HOG: Distributed Hadoop MapReduce on the Grid. In High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SCC), 2012 SC Companion: (pp. 1276-1283). IEEE. Online
- Weitzel, D. (2011). Campus Grids: A framework to facilitate resource sharing (Masters Thesis, University of Nebraska).
- Weitzel, D., Fraser, D., Bockelman, B., & Swanson, D. (2012, December). Campus Grids: Bringing Additional Computational Resources to HEP Researchers. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 396, No. 3, p. 032116). IOP Publishing.
- Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Fraser, D., Pordes, R., & Swanson, D. (2011, December). Enabling campus grids with open science grid technology. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 331, No. 6, p. 062025). IOP Publishing.
- Andrews, W., Bockelman, B., Bradley, D., Dost, J., Evans, D., Fisk, I., … & Weitzel, D. (2011, December). Early experience on using glideinWMS in the cloud. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 331, No. 6, p. 062014). IOP Publishing.
- Best Software and Data Paper: Weitzel, D., Bockelman, B., Brown, D.A., Couvares, P., Würthwein, F. and Hernandez, E.F., 2017. Data Access for LIGO on the OSG. In Proceedings of the PEARC ‘17 Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, New Orleans, TX, USA, July 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3093338.3093363
Paper Presentation: Weitzel, Derek. StashCache: A Distributed Caching Federation for the Open Science Grid at Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC 19) July 30, 2019 (online)
Invited Talk: Weitzel, Derek. Enabling Microsoft OneDrive Integration with HTCondor at Humans in the Loop: Enabling and Facilitating Research on Cloud Computing at PEARC19. July 29, 2019 (online)
Weitzel, Derek; Bockelman, Brian; Thiltges, John. Hiding All the Details: Running Grid Jobs Inside Docker Containers on the OSG. at HTCondor Week 2016. (online)